Matthew Abid
of Michigan

Welcome to the official website of Matthew Abid of Michigan. As a leader in the sales industry, Matthew Abid of Michigan has ample experience helping other sales professionals reach their full potential. This website will allow Matthew Abid of Michigan to share his experiences and offer advice to help other sales reps reach their full potential.

One piece of advice Matthew Abid of Michigan provides anyone pursuing a career in sales is to plan. The sales industry is extremely fast-paced, so it’s important to set goals and have a plan to execute accordingly. If tasked with selling a particular product or service, a sales representative should have a clear idea of all the ways that product or service can help solve a prospect’s problems. This list will help them have an answer to a prospect’s question in real-time. If a sales rep is set to meet with a prospect and they have time to research that prospect ahead of time, they should make the effort to get to know the prospect’s business. A prepared sales rep is an impressive sales rep.

Much of successful selling revolves around building trust. Matthew Abid of Michigan always looks to build trust with prospects by actively listening to both their wants and needs. Taking note of some personal information shared during a meeting can always be leveraged down the line. If a prospect mentions an upcoming birthday party for their child or weekend plans on a Friday call, asking them how those events were is a great way to show a personal connection. This type of behavior will also allow for successful follow-ups. If a prospect moves in another direction and it doesn’t work out, they will be much more likely to reengage with a sales rep that treated them with respect and humanity.

Matthew Abid of Michigan has experience helping sales teams develop. Startups can make or break their business by how they prioritize setting up a sales process that works for their industry. There are certain standards that work across the board, but it is important that business development is not a cookie-cutter practice. The best sales involvements are ones that welcome ideas and are not afraid to test multiple strategies. The entire team should work to pitch ideas that will help their prospects understand the product or service quickly. If something can make a prospect’s life easier, it should be the heart of the pitch.

The best sales reps are problem solvers. They don’t look to sell with blunt force. They look to present solutions. Even if they may have the best intentions, a sales representative who pushes and pushes without taking the time to build any human connection will rarely succeed. Matthew Abid of Michigan believes the gift of gab is important for a sales rep but the gift of being a good listener is essential. Only through listening can a sales rep develop questions that directly address the needs of a prospect.

Listening allows a sales pitch to evolve as the questions and insights provided can be tailored to the problem the prospect has presented. A lot of sales reps have struggled to establish human connections in the wake of the pandemic. Many sales reps do their best work in a personal setting. With virtual meetings being more common than ever, it’s important to remember that the person on the screen is still the same person they would be if they were in the room with the rep. It’s up to a sales professional to retain the same level of professionalism over Zoom that they would show in a regular meeting.

Every sales representative will go through slumps. When you work in a commission-based business, it’s easy to grow discouraged. Matthew Abid recommends trying new approaches and always learning from those that surround a sales rep. While sales is a competitive industry, many reps are more than happy to share their most successful tactics. Over time, a sales professional will realize that different personality types respond to different sales approaches. No sales rep should be afraid to tailor their pitch to each individual prospect.

Asking a sales manager or another experienced individual to listen in on a few sales calls can be a great way to gain constructive feedback. Most sales reps are extremely confident people, but they should never allow pride to get in the way of their progress. Approaches that worked yesterday may not work tomorrow. It’s what makes sales such a challenging and exciting career path.

Matthew Abid hopes all who find this website can take away something that either helps them with their own career in sales or helps them better understand the sales process. Be sure to check back often for the latest news and insights from the Matthew Abid blog.