Matthew Abid of Michigan On Sales Tactics to Avoid

Matt Abid Michigan

Matthew Abid of Michigan has enjoyed a successful career in sales. While what a sales rep should be doing is often discussed, Matthew Abid of Michigan notes that understanding what sales tactics not to utilize can be just as beneficial. In today’s blog, Matthew Abid of Michigan will discuss some sales tactics companies use that instantly turn the majority of their prospects toward their competitors.

For starters, many sales calls are made during the dinner hour. Making cold sales calls between 5:30 and 6:30 at night is a great way to turn away a prospect. Matthew Abid of Michigan explains that people who wake up early and went to work will often consider their dinner as the one time that they get to catch up with their loved ones. Being interrupted for a sales pitch is typically the last thing a person wants at this hour.

Matthew Abid of Michigan notes that modern technology allows prospects to opt out of emails, calls, and more. Sales teams that ignore opt-outs don’t increase the chance of a sale. They increase the likelihood that a person will have such a strong adverse reaction that they will take their frustration to online review platforms. Overly pushy sales tactics show a lack of respect for the customer. It’s impossible to enjoy sustained success in the realm of sales when one appears desperate. Matthew Abid of Michigan highly recommends respecting the wishes of prospects who ask to be removed from email marketing or call lists.

A lot of inexperienced sales reps will go too far in their attempts to come across as personable or friendly. Matthew Abid of Michigan believes sales reps must understand and respect the prospect enough to know that they understand the end goal is to sell them something. Coming across as overly friendly can often be perceived as condescending or creepy. Authenticity is critical to success in the world of sales.

When a sales rep is getting paid off commission, it can be tempting to follow up a lot with a prospect. The problem is too many emails or phone calls will not give a prospect a chance to breathe. Matthew Abid of Michigan recommends making contact when there’s a value provided to the customer. For instance, a realtor may want to send an email alert when a new home drops in market price. What a realtor doesn’t want to do is send 15 emails a month asking if a person is interested in buying a new home.

Exaggerating the truth is a sales tactic as old as time. Sales reps are often tempted to overpromise in order to drive up their sales numbers. Without even touching on the fact this is immoral, it’s often not a long-term solution. Matthew Abid of Michigan believes sales reps should be in the business of forging relationships with customers that can last a lifetime. By simply sharing the facts and steering people in the right direction, no bridges will be burned. When a sales rep overpromises, they burn a bridge and create distrust in the organization they represent.

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