Matthew Abid of Michigan Discusses Ways to Grow as a Closer

matthew abid

A leader in the sales industry, Matthew Abid of Michigan appreciates being in an industry where there is always room for growth and improvement. This year, Matthew Abid of Michigan has been focusing on growing as a closer. What has helped Matthew Abid of Michigan is utilizing different closing techniques based on unique situations. Today, he will be discussing some of the different methods he has been using with the hope that it can help other sales professionals advance in their field.

A few different techniques have become more prevalent in Matthew Abid of Michigan’s sales arsenal. Recently, he has seen great success through the method of assumption-making. A sales rep can gain the trust of a prospect by asking positive questions like does this service match what you are looking for? Or do you see how the benefits make this a wise investment? These types of questions are also great at speeding up the sales process. While no sales rep wants to rush a prospect, it is nice to know whether or not a lead is serious about making a deal.

Another great technique car dealers have been using forever is always having an alternative option. Matthew Abid of Michigan has been in plenty of sales situations where it becomes pretty clear that the biggest hangup is the price point. Ideally, a sales rep can offer a plan b at a reduced price while explaining the benefits of spending a higher monetary amount. Where sales reps can paint themselves in a corner is showing a second option later on that has the same features at a reduced budget.

People want to buy from someone who is an expert in their field. Matthew Abid of Michigan believes it is necessary to establish a complete understanding of the product or service one is selling. If a sales rep doesn’t fully believe in what they are selling, it’s always going to be difficult to close deals, because people can see that their rep isn’t invested.

Matthew Abid of Michigan is always looking to learn more about the products or services he sells so that he is well-equipped to answer any question that comes his way during the sales process. Once a rapport is built with a lead, and they understand that a sales rep is knowledgeable, they can start making professional suggestions. For example, a sales rep who has earned the trust of a prospect can say something like, “Based on what I know about your needs, I would go with option x as it offers….” The key is to be genuine. The professional suggestion technique only works when a sales rep can be completely transparent about the best option for their prospect.

There are times to make professional suggestions and there are times to ask low-impact questions. Low-impact questions are used toward the beginning of the sales process. Matthew Abid of Michigan notes that these are questions designed to allow a prospect to share as much information as possible. In the early stages, spending more time listening than talking is important. Each positive answer from a prospect provides an opportunity to connect the benefits of the product or service being sold with the problem the prospect is currently experiencing.

Matthew Abid of Michigan has been asking prospects more directly about their hesitations and it has produced better results. Understanding what is holding a prospect back can lead to a quick resolution, allow a sales rep to explain why they cannot reduce the price point, or offer more to sweeten a deal. There’s often a desire to give away the farm to close a deal, but sometimes it is better to show that a product or service is well worth the price that is being asked for.

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